A limpid solution in yellow-dark yellow-light brown in color, fluid and capable of making a mix with water at every rate, each 1 ml and containing 250 ml Amprolyum HCI and 2 mg Vitamin K3(equivalentto 221.1 mg Amporlyum).
Amprolyum, is mainly effective on first generation chizont and thus prevent development of merozohits, Because of having this effect, it has importance from the view of controlling the illness during the early periods. This drug has a bit effect also on gametocytes(sexual period) and sporozoits. It is an anti koksidial having koksi odiostatic effect as aThiamin(Vitamin B1)racing antagonist. Amprolyum, in away racing with Thiamin, is a matterthat prevents or stops development of koksids and therefore, presence of a small amount of Thiamin in the feed, weakens the effect of the drug an even more, can prevent it entirely. That is, its effect bases on imitation of Thiamin in the metabolism of the parasite. Since there is a very close resemblance between the two compounds from structural point of view, Amprolyum in high densities,
It is used in poultry to treat and protect from thin intestine. Coarse intestine and blind intestine koksidiyosis phenomena originating from tenella and E.necatrix, E.acevulina, E.maxima, E.brunetti.
Unless instructed contrary bv Veterinary Physician the pharmacological dosage is: Poultry :25-73 mg/kg. C.A.
It is supplied for sale in plastic bottles of 500ml, 1000 ml and 5000 ml without a box.
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