Each of the package includes ampicilline trihydrate equivalent to 20 g ampicilline base. It includes sodium benzoate E211 as a protective substance, and erythrosine E127 as a coloring substance. It is in the form of fine crystallized powder having dark pink color.




Ampicilline (D (-) - α - aminobenzylpennicilline) is an effective semi – synthetic penicilline derivative.
It has a broad range of effectiveness spectrum against Gram – positive and Gram – negative bacteria.
When given orally, it does not fragmentize in the acid environment of the stomach, and its concentration within the blood reaches to the antibacterial level in such a short time as 1 – 2 hours by being absorbed through gastro – intestinal way.
It disperses equally along with the body tissues. It is available in bile and urine at high concentration.
It has an antibacterial activity that can be compared with chloramphenicol and tetracyclines.
The drug is substantially extracted by urine without undergoing a change. Some part of it is extracted by bile through joining to the enterohepatic cycle. Therefore successfull results are received in the usage of it on urinary tracts and bile infections. It may be used for a long time and at high doses on other animals except for animals such as rabbit and laboratory animals without forming any toxic reaction.
The appearance of resistant strains is a slow movement.
It is a bactericidal antibiotic. It acts by inhibiting the mucopeptide bio – synthesis of the cell wall of the bacteria.

It is effective against many Gram – positive and Gram – negative microorganisms;

- Escherichia coli - Staphylococci
- Proteus mirabilis - Actinomyces spp.
- Salmonella spp. - Diplococci
- Shigellae spp. - Pneumococcus spp.
- Brucella spp. - Clostridia spp.
- Pasteurella spp. - Bacillus anthracis
- Klebsiella spp. - Enterococci
- Haemophilus influenzae - Corynebacterium pyogenes
- Streptococcus faecalis - Fusiformis spp.
- Streptococcus viridans - β-haemolytic Streptococcus

are within its field of effectiveness.
It is ineffective against staphycoccus which produces penicillinase and some Gram – negative strains.


It is especially used in the infections of digestion, urinary tracts and genital system.
It has indications in the below mentioned infections;
- Genito – urinary system infections resulted from the organisms such as E.coli, Proteus mirabilis and enterecoccus,
- Infections resulted from Haemophilis influnzae,
- Bile ducts and gastro – intestinal system infections resulted from E. Col, Salmonella spp.and Shigella spp. due to the fact that ampicilline is at high concentration level in the bile,
- Adnexitis and puerperal infections,
- Coryza, sinusitis and especially E.coli infections of poultries.



Unless otherwise is recommended by the veterinary surgeon, it can be given at the dose amounts stated below by 10 – 20 mg ampicilline on average per kilogram live weight calculation.

Lamb – Capricorn (has 13-15 kg. 6-7 heads) 5 g
Sheep - goat (35-50 kg. live weight) 2.5 g
Calf – colt (40-50 kg. live weight) 2.5 g
Weavened calf - colt (75-100 kg. live weight) 5 g
Horse - beef (300 kg. live weight) 15 g
Cat – Dog (10 kg. live weight) 0.5 g
On hens (for per 100 poultries)
for 2 weeks chickens 1 g
for 4 weeks chickens 2 g
for 8 weeks chickens 5 g
for 12 weeks chickens 10 g
For hens 20 g







On condition that it will be mixed up in their fresh water, the treatment is continued by giving them this drug for 3 – 5 days.
According to the degree of disease, above – mentioned dose could be given second time on the same day, if necessary.
Practical dose application for poultries is as below.
On the treatment of the diseases, 100 g Alfasilin powder package is mixed up in 130 lt fresh water and it is given for 3 – 5 days.



It is offered for sale in plastic bottles of 100 gr and 1000 gr.


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